
Reasons we love living in Taveuni in Fiji.

There are many reasons to love living in Fiji, but we wanted to highlight the parts of Tavenui life that we love the most. Our beautiful home in Fiji is for sale, and while we will be sad to say goodbye when the time comes, we are equally as sad to farewell the lifestyle we have enjoyed so much over the past few years. More than anything, these are the unique experiences that make living in Taveuni so special. 

The diving in Taveuni showcases some of the world's most spectacular soft corals. The SomoSomo Strait is known as the “World's capital for soft coral”. Divers from all over the world flock to Taveuni to dive Rainbow Reef and the Great White Wall, witnessing some of the most colourful and proliferate soft coral blooms as they feed on the clean and nutrient dense waters.  Dive with barracudas, reef sharks and manta rays as you explore this underwater landscape of beauty.

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So what does a day diving look like when you live in Tavenui? 

“Morning arrives – the sea is calm today. We head down to the Salty Fox with our wetsuits already on to pick up the rest of our diving gear. Our boat is ready at the jetty and we get a friendly greeting from our dive masters. Off we go across the SomoSomo Strait to the reef near the far side. Only 20 minutes later we are in the water and sinking to just 10 metres where the sun still shines on the coral and on the myriad of brightly coloured fish which dart in and out and sometimes surround us completely. 

After about 40 minutes we surface for a break which takes us to the beach where we relax with a hot drink and freshly baked cake. 

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Back to the dive boat and we are off for our second dive – just a good as the first. Then back we go at speed facing our lovely island with its forests and volcanic peaks in full view. If we’re lucky today we will catch a glimpse of some dolphins; if not some flying fish, or even at the right season the manta rays. If we do see them, it’s quickly back in the water with our snorkels to swim amongst the graceful giants. As we near the shore, we can just make out our house at 400 feet amidst the spacious lawns which are framed by the forest canopy. And then it’s home for a hot shower and lunch, followed by a quiet recovery afternoon on the verandah looking back across the sea to the reef where we had just spent a couple of magic hours. “ - Susie Winter, Owner

Fiji at its best. So, how would you like to live in Taveuni? 


Forest Walks